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Bencivenni 10.jpg


Click on the image to enlarge

Title: London
Acrylic on canvas
Size: 25X25 (with black frame 40X40)
Price: 150€

Bencivenni 10.jpg

Title: Moscow under the snow
Acrylic on canvas
Price: 45€  

Bencivenni 8.jpg

Title: Under the same skies
Acrylic on canvas
Size: 60X80
Price: 70€

Bencivenni 45_edited_edited.jpg

Title: New York
Acrylic on canvas
Size: 40X40 (with black frame 50X50)
Price: 350€

Bencivenni 20bis.jpg

Title: Sky and sea
Acrylic on canvas
Size: 60X80

Bencivenni 9.jpg

Title: Move of colors
Acrylic on canvas
Size: 35X45
Price: 60€

Bencivenni 30.jpg

Title: Between the houses
Acrylic on canvas
Size: 35X55
Price: 65€

Bencivenni 53.jpg

Title: Reflection of lights on water
Acrylic on cardboard
Size: A4

Bencivenni 68.jpg

Title: Waterfalls in blue
Size: A4 (with black frame 30X40)
Price: 150€

Bencivenni 73_edited.jpg

Title: Colorilegio

Acrylic on canvas
Size: 50X60


Bencivenni 33.jpg

Title Red lanterns
Acrylic on cardboard
Size: A4 (with black frame 30X40)
Price: 110€

Bencivenni 67.jpg

Title: The fallen city
Acrylic on canvas

Bencivenni 26.jpg

Title: Gold on black

Acrylic on canvas
Size: 50X70

Bencivenni 19.jpg

Title: Nuit
Acrylic on canvas
Size: 70X100

Bencivenni 23.jpg

Title: My summer
Acrylic on paper
Size: A3 (with 40X50 black frame and pass-partout)
Price: 80€

Bencivenni 3.jpg

Title: Perspectives
Acrylic on cardboard
Size: A4 (with black frame 30X40)
Price: 50€

Bencivenni 12.jpg

Title: Goldfish
Acrylic on canvas
Dimension: 20X25
Price: 50€

Bencivenni 29.jpg

Title: Red rose
Acrylic on cardboard
Size: A4 (with white frame 30X40)
Price: 70€

Bencivenni 22_edited.jpg

Title: Millemiglia/Nuvolari
Acrylic on cardboard
Size: A4 (with white frame 30X40)
Price: 80€

Bencivenni 21_edited.jpg

Title: Divine Comedy
Acrylic on canvas
Size: 30X40 (with black frame and pass-partout)
Price: 70€

Bencivenni 43.jpg
Title: Wet Harlequin
Acrylic on canvas
Size: 50X60
Price: 50€
Bencivenni 46.jpg
Title: Corals
Acrylic on canvas
Size: 25X30
(with 30X40 white frame and pass-partout)
Price: 70€
Bencivenni 92.jpg
Title: Lightning
Acrylic on cardboard
Size: A4 (with black frame 30X40 and pass-partout)
Price: 110€
Bencivenni 95.jpg
Title: Red spot
Acrylic and enamel on paper
Size: A3 (with black frame 40X50 and pass-partout)
Price: 70€
Bencivenni 102.jpg
Title: Red Door
Acrylic on canvas
Size: 35X50
Price: 120€
Bencivenni 119.jpg
Title: Burst on Canvas
Acrylic on canvas
Size: 40X60
Price: 40€
Bencivenni 97.jpg
Title: Journey to Africa
Acrylic and enamel on cardboard
Size: A4
(with 30X40 black frame and pass-partout)
Price: 120€
Bencivenni 112.jpg
Title: In the year I was born
Acrylic and enamel on canvas
Size: 60X100
Price: 150€
Bencivenni 101.jpg
Title: Sunrise over Venice
Acrylic and enamel on canvas
Size: 40X60
Price: 100€
Bencivenni 122.jpg
Title: Carnival
Acrylic and enamel on cardboard
Size: A4 (with white 40X50 frame and pass-partout)
Price: 70€
Bencivenni 66_edited.jpg
Title: Sea in color
Acrylic on cardboard
Size: A4 (with black frame 3
0X40 and pass-partout)
Price 110€
Bencivenni 123.jpg
Title: At night on the rooftops the cats cannot be seen
Acrylic on canvas
Size: 40X100

Price 70€
Bencivenni 101_edited.jpg
Title: Reflections
Acrylic on canvas
Size: 40X50
Bencivenni 124.jpg
Title: Freehand
Acrylic and enamel on canvas
Size: 35X50 (with black frame 4
0X50 and pass-partout)
Bencivenni 120.jpg
Title: Yellow Byzantine
Acrylic on canvas
Size: 40X50

Price 110€
Bencivenni 125.jpg
Title: Panorama in pink
Acrylic on canvas
Dimension: 50X70 Depth 5cm

Price: 150€
bencivenni 176-min.jpg
Title: Theme in red
Acrylic on canvas
Size: 40X50 Thickness 2cm
Price: 120€
Bencivenni 129.jpeg
Title: Blue sky
Acrylic on cardboard
Size: A4 (with black frame 3
0X40 and pass-partout)
Price 100€
Bencivenni 96.jpg
Title: Pitirì
Acrylic on canvas
Size: 20X20 Thickness 2cm
Price: 40€
Bencivenni 133.jpg
Title: On the Purple Wall
Acrylic on canvas
Size: 30X40 Thickness 2cm
Price: 80€
Bencivenni 134.jpg
Title: Glow
Acrylic on wood
Size: 40X57
Price: 100€
Bencivenni 140.jpeg
Title: Fish of the deep
Acrylic on cardboard
Size: A3
(with 40X50 black frame and pass-partout)
Price: 70€
Bencivenni 157.jpeg
Title: Matter
Acrylic on cardboard
Size: A3
(with 40X50 black frame and pass-partout)
Price: 70€
Bencivenni 170.jpg
Title: Matter
Acrylic on cardboard
Size: A3
(with 40X50 black frame and pass-partout)
Price: 70€
Bencivenni 162.png
Title: Matter
Acrylic on cardboard
Size: A3
(with 40X50 black frame and pass-partout)
Price: 70€
Bencivenni 165.jpg
Title: Matter
Acrylic on cardboard
Size: A3
(with 40X50 black frame and pass-partout)
Price: 70€
Bencivenni 174.jpg
Title: Torn curtain
Acrylic and enamel on cardboard
Size: A3 (with 40X50 black frame and pass-partout)
Price: 180€
Bencivenni 152.jpeg
Title: Matter
Acrylic on cardboard
Size: A3
(with 40X50 black frame and pass-partout)
Price: 70€
Bencivenni 158.jpeg
Title: Matter
Acrylic on cardboard
Size: A3
(with 40X50 black frame and pass-partout)
Price: 70€
Bencivenni 163.png
Title: Matter
Acrylic on cardboard
Size: A3
(with 40X50 black frame and pass-partout)
Price: 70€
Bencivenni 171.jpg
Title: Matter
Acrylic on cardboard
Size: A3
(with 40X50 black frame and pass-partout)
Price: 70€
Bencivenni 173.jpg
Title: Matter
Acrylic on cardboard
Size: A3
(with 40X50 black frame and pass-partout)
Price: 70€
Bencivenni 175.jpg
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